Water Features


Enhanced landscaping improves property value, and water features make your property stand out from the rest! 
Water Features:

Additionally, the sound of a water  will drown out noise from traffic or neighbors.
Waterfront property is a prized commodity and you can easily incorporate water into your outdoor living space without having to move near a lake or ocean.

Water features in landscaping refer to any type of element that incorporates water into the landscape design. This can include fountains, ponds, waterfalls, streams, and more. Water features can add visual interest, relaxation, and a natural habitat to a landscape. They can range in size and complexity, from simple birdbaths to elaborate pond systems.

Some common benefits of water features in landscaping include:

  • Aesthetics: Water features can add beauty and visual interest to a landscape, especially when combined with plants and other natural elements.

  • Relaxation: The sound of water can be soothing and relaxing, making water features a popular choice for meditation or relaxation areas.

  • Habitat: Water features can provide a natural habitat for wildlife, such as birds, fish, and amphibians.

  • Cooling effect: Water features can help to cool the air temperature in the surrounding area, making them a popular choice for outdoor living spaces.

When designing a water feature for a landscape, it is important to consider the available space, budget, and maintenance requirements. Water features can be designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding landscape, or to be a standout feature. It is also important to consider the type of water feature that will be most suitable for the local climate and soil conditions.

Here are five tips for incorporating water features into your landscape design:

  1. Consider your space and budget: Before you start planning your water feature, consider the size and layout of your space, as well as your budget. This will help you determine what type of water feature is feasible for your landscape.

  2. Choose the right location: Water features should be placed in a visible and accessible location, but also in an area that is safe and functional. Consider the proximity to electrical outlets, water sources, and other structures or features in the landscape.

  3. Plan for maintenance: Water features require regular maintenance to keep them clean and functioning properly. Plan ahead by considering the ease of access for cleaning and maintenance, and choose materials that are easy to maintain.

  4. Use appropriate plants: Choose plants that are suitable for the specific conditions of your water feature. Some plants, such as water lilies and lotus, are well-suited to pond environments, while others, such as cattails and rushes, are better suited to wetland areas.

  5. Incorporate other design elements: Water features can be enhanced by incorporating other design elements, such as lighting, seating areas, and hardscapes. Consider how these elements can complement and enhance the overall design of your water feature.

     Landscape design is the process of creating a functional and aesthetically pleasing outdoor space by carefully planning and placing various elements, such as plants, lighting, water features, and hardscapes. Water features, in particular, can add beauty, relaxation, and a natural habitat to a landscape. They can range in size and complexity, from simple birdbaths to elaborate pond systems.

     When incorporating a water feature into your landscape design, it is important to consider the size and layout of your space, as well as your budget. Choose a location that is both visible and accessible, but also safe and functional. Plan for maintenance by considering the ease of access for cleaning and maintenance, and choose materials that are easy to maintain. Use appropriate plants that are suitable for the specific conditions of your water feature. Finally, consider how other design elements, such as lighting and seating areas, can enhance the overall design of your water feature.

     Overall, water features can be a valuable addition to any landscape design. They can add beauty, relaxation, and a natural habitat to your outdoor space. By considering the size, location, maintenance, plants, and other design elements, you can create a water feature that will be a functional and enjoyable feature in your landscape.